Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst
Asked Todd to get chips...and he brought these...yum?
(I should mention Phillip stopped by to help give Ava a blessing and we made him try one and he brought one home to Mandy as well.)
Emily Daly Morrison Hurry, they're only good for 2 more weeks!
Gail Hubbard Gouyton well.........
Leah McConnell Fish Hmmm. Questionable. I'm just sayin'....
Thomas W. Pettit The package does seem to say "potato chips" on the front. They even appear to be "original," though I'm not sure what that means. I can't vouch for taste, but I can guess as to relative expense.
Todd Blackhurst They're fine. I am a trained taster at work.
Kim Foster Bauman LOL!!! Classic!
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst They are nasty, as tested by myself and Phillip. However Todd seems oblivious...or stubborn, I'm not sure. :)
Todd Blackhurst I have a highly trained palate.
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst For chocolate, babe...for chocolate.
Todd I'm trained in savory as well. (think pretzel m&m's)
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst 2nd ingredient listed: vegetable oil
(not shocked here people, not shocked)
Todd And where is veggie oil not found?
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst Baked Lays
Todd Blackhurst Gross!
Todd Blackhurst I have it on good authority that the chips are fine. Thanks, Mandy!
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst Gross = parade potato chips
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst Mandy has a cold and cannot taste properly. I would happily give anyone that wants one a sample- cuz I am NOT gonna eat another one!
Mandy Moore Phillip said he almost threw up. He brought one home for me to taste and I think they are fine. LOL! Too funny...
Todd Blackhurst They went great with the 88-cent hotdog buns.
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst Big spender, Todd- big spender... ;)
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst You bought them for .89 and you were ROBBED! :)
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst PS pretzel m&ms still are in the chocolate category...just sayin'
Gail Hubbard Gouyton WAIT!! Lindsey.....Todd........aren't you two in the same house????
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst HAHAHa, we were having a FB war...sitting right next to each other, we think we're *very* funny :)
Todd Blackhurst Yeah in fact we've been right next to each other at the dinner table.
Michele Brinkerhoff Ikeda Yeah, I'm on the side that votes they are sicko.. got some from IGA for the 4th of July, and no one liked them!!!
Gail Hubbard Gouyton face hurts from laughing so hard, reading all the comments to my husband out loud!!! .....imagining the texting war going on!!!
Lindsey Kennedy Blackhurst :) happy to provide the entertainment for the evening!
Moral of the story is: a penny saved is a penny earned but when the cheap food you bought taste like a penny, then it's not worth it. The end. You're welcome.