This morning began like most other mornings: both girls wanted to get up bright and early. It was nice being able to stay home today with my girls. Although, that rain must have blown something in because Ava and Sydnee just were not happy at all. They mostly cried because they have not been feeling well.
We had one of my favorite breakfasts, turnovers and cinnamon rolls with milk. Then we played between crying fits while Lindsey polished up her talk for church about fatherhood. We were worried about the girls wanting to go up on to the stand with Lindsey, so we asked the Jacobson's to help me out, whom I am very grateful to. The second hour of church went well with Ava in nursey and me following Sydnee around the halls and foyers. I thought the third hour was going to be perfect because Sydnee actual fell asleep! Unfortunately, Ava started to feel worse so she came to sit with me and Mike Estrada held Sydnee for me until Ava suddenly felt well enough to run around and Sydnee went from dead weight to wide awake banshee. So we ended up staying in the foyer together until church ended.
Once home, Ava took a quick nap while we made grilled pork with baked potatoes and steamed vegetables and brownie crumble for desert.
The girls seem to be sleeping now, so Lindsey and I are relaxing the rest of the evening. It's been a great day. I love being a "daddy."