Monday, April 26, 2010

Update on Lucy

The tests are back & Lucy has kidney reflux, grade 1, on one side- which is a mild case. We are grateful for this news. She will be on daily maintance medication & will be tested several times in the future until she has grown out of it, which usually happens at a year. So that is good news. The doctor said that everytime she has a fever or such, we will need to check for another infection first- so that she doesn't have to go through all of those many horrible tests again. So that's where we stand on that. Thanks for all the love & prayers. We sure love this little trouble-maker! She is one sweet baby!


Tressa said...

I'm glad you were able to figure out what's up and I hope she doesn't have any more problems. That's scary to have a sick baby:(

The Kuykendalls... said...

Poor little Lucy. I'm glad they know what it is, though. Yay for modern medicine.