Tuesday, February 17, 2009

FHE & Stuff

We a neat moment at FHE last night. The primary presidency, or the chorister- I'm not sure- put the songs that the primary is singing in the '09 Primary Program on CD for the children to practice, so last night I played 2 of them for our songs. One of my friends, Kami, who is in Primary when Ava is in there said that Ava is a great singer. She says that all of the sunbeams sing, but she actually knows the words- must take after her mother. :) Anyhow, last night I wanted to hear a song on there I didn't know. Ava piped up and started singing it. She had been singing it around the house, but I didn't know that song, so I just thought she was making up her own little song (not uncommon). Anyhow, it was SO touching. Just this sweet little clear voice singing about families and that God showed his love by giving us families. It was a bit of a tear-jerker for Todd and I. Since we didn't expect the little angel moment, we just looked at each other like, "Whoa, this is a special moment,"

The rest of the FHE was spent talking about sharing, Ava's birthday party, playing "Sorry", and eating our treat. I made a dessert using our Food Storage Dehydrated Apples- hooray for me! AND it tasted good.

This week we are prepping for Ava's parties. I finished making the goodie bags last night. I will work on the Chef hats today, along with some other little touches. Now if we could all pray for sunny days on Friday. :)


Jeanette said...

What is the name of that song? I want it to touch my family too. Sounds like a fun party waiting to happen. Come on sun.

Stamp With Linz said...

The Family is of God... ;)

Todd said...

Current forecast is for sunny weather in the mid-60's. :)

DNAgallows said...

Love those moments! Thanks for sharing!