Saturday, July 19, 2008

Internet Issues!

I'm sure you have been wondering where the heck I've been this week. It has been a busy week but the main factor in my lack of posts has been my internet not working. It stops working everyday around nap time. Gee, thanks. I have to give a talk tomorrow & my progress has been immensely delayed since I couldn't look up the talks I wanted to quote. Anyhow, thanks to my Mom I ran up to the library at one point and used that computer so I would have something to work with & I'll be polishing it up today.

We've had fun celebrating yellow this week, here are some fun pictures:
Dressing up YellowEating Yellow with our LOVELY center piece designed by the girls Menu: Mexican Chicken, Mexican Salad (fritos are yellow!), corn & Yellow cake for dessert!
And lastly, we went to go see Dark Knight last night- good movie, a little too realistic- if you can imagine that! It made us ponder the evil in the world. It's also no wonder that Heath Ledger had a difficult time walking away from this role, the Joker is VERY dark. There were certainly times when we thought something was about to happen, were on the edge of our seats, waiting with bated breath! And Christopher Bale is always nice to look at- hee hee!



Your talk was great! I am going to add that movie to our netflix queue.

Nicole -Berrett Photography said...

you guys are so cute! love all the cute color weeks.