MY ponder:
So do I wait until tax-free weekend to buy school supplies or just buy them now so I can make sure they are all there. Tax free weekend is the weekend before the girls start, and I like to be prepared. Please advise.
So yesterday when Todd got off work I drove to Round Rock to pick up our wards food storage order. Now my living room has sacks of wheat, oats, beans- you name it! Hopefully I can rid myself of most of it today...and the rest when I retrieve the canner/sealer.
A funny thing happened while I was gone. Todd was giving the girls a bath- together, which I totally don't do any more- and when they were done and putting their towels on, Sydnee starts screaming bloody murder. We refer to this as her "ant" cry since she is terrified of ants since she has been bitten so badly by them. Anyhow, a baby gecko had been in her towel and had jumped on her leg and then into the water. Ava, according to Todd, had a gecko on her towel as well but she didn't notice it and her gecko jumped into the bath directly. Anyhow, it made for an amusing evening. Moral of the story is- don't leave your towel in your room after bath otherwise you might find a baby gecko on our leg next time you use it!
Hope your day is swell, friends! Thanks for checking in!