Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I've had my house to myself tonight...and by myself I mean myself and my 3 little girls. If you didn't know this- and how could you not- my girls are very girlie. So we watched our "dancing show" (SYTYCD) and I even let them stay up past their bedtime. Toward the end of the night Ava got in trouble for something, I can't even remember what now. Anyhow, as usual our fight escalated until she wasn't allowed out of her room for the rest of the night and she and I missed the end of the show. *Sigh* Here comes the ugly part. Ava really knows how to push my buttons, she can do it better than anyone I know. She really doesn't push other people's buttons as well as mine, my lucky gift as her mother I guess. Well she has an uncanny way of making a simple misdeed turn into a knock-down-drag-out kinda fight...not literally of course. Tonight she escalated our fight by calling me a name and telling me stuff she was "never" going to do. Fumes. I had to take a Mommy time-out to calm down because I was already mad that she did whatever she had done. I took a break, said a prayer, and then went and talked to her. She agreed that sometimes she tries to make me madder when I'm already mad. Its part victory that she recognizes this because since she knows she does it, she can also have the power to change it. Anyhow, we smoothed things over, said a prayer together, shed a few more tears, said the "I love yous" and "goodnights".

Its hard to be a grown-up sometimes.

So since I am avoiding closing up the house and my putting the house and myself to bed, I thought I would look over some old blog posts. So I went to 2007, when we started this blog. It's hard to believe that my little girls were even smaller not so long ago. Then I came across this entry Here and I had to smile. I love the way I close the post. Telling, isn't it?

I love that little curly-haired blue-eyed girl. I need to remember she's only 5. I can do better too. Here's to better nights with a little less trouble and a lot more fun with my sweet little trouble-maker.


Moore Fun Stories said...

You are such a good mommy. I loved this post for many reasons. Thanks!!

jenhatch said...

ahhh... i totally felt that post! Alls I gots to say is thank heavens there is prayers in motherhood!!

DNAgallows said...

Ahh the wisdom in journals and the peace of prayer! I love your new title, by the way. Very fitting!