This morning Lucy woke up at 4:30am, so I tucked her in a little and went back to "sleep". She woke up again at 5:30am, so I gave her a bottle and laid down for a few minutes. Then I handed her to a "sleeping" Todd and got myself ready for the day.
At 6:30am while Lucy slept, and Todd was getting himself ready- I started Ava's bath water and she came in all smiles & being silly. I helped her wash her hair and finish her bath. She got dressed in the outfit she had picked out and we did her hair. I woke up Sydnee and got her started and Todd began making breakfast. Ava wanted her hair curly today- so we took extra special care to make it look nice. Sydnee wanted her hair exactly like Ava's. No doubt today will be a little sentimental to all of us, but particularly Sydnee- so I'm glad Todd will be working from home today to make her feel special. 

Last night we began a new tradition. We'll call it 'Twas the day before school starts... We made chocolate chip cookies, drank milk/chocolate milk and played Uno.
Lucy slept. :) 

Afterwards the girls both got their "First Day of School Book". 

We've been doing this for my niece Samantha since she was in Kindergarten, so it was especially fun to buy Ava & Sydnee their first books. Ava got "It's Hard To be Five" by Jamie Lee Curtis- who has a fabulous line of children's books. Sydnee got, "The Kissing Hand" which is a really tender little book about the first day of school.
Usually we would also have the girls get a Father's Blessing, but we did that last week while Mark (PopPop) was here. We said our goodnights and our prayers and sent the little ones to sleep. Then Todd and I proceeded to clean the entire house to releave some of my anxiety. :)

So this morning we ate our pancakes, made by Daddy of course, took a few pictures, and then piled in the car.
Ava fixed her lunch yesterday- Peanut Butter + strawberry jam sandwich cut in the shape of a tulip (Ava's choice), baked cheetos, madarin oranges, strawberry yogurt, Strawberry- Kiwi Kool Aid, and M&M cookies. For her snack she is bring Smart Popcorn.

When we got to the parking lot of the school, it was a REALLY pleasant suprise to see Preston's family drive up at the same time. We took a few pictures of them together and then headed to class. 
Ava was excited. Sydnee showing a few signs of confusion, and parents keeping it together. We got to the class, gave Mr. Forbis his cookie that we made him last night, and dropped off the supplies we had forgotten on Meet the Teacher night. We hung up her backpack, put her lunch on the shelf, and she sat in her spot. 2 of her new friends were sitting there already. Their job was to color while the other friends arrived- good idea, Ava loves coloring. We took one last picture and then left. I glanced a look at Todd and he was a little moist in the eyes, and so was I- but we kept walking to make sure Ava didn't see us. We are home now and Ava has been at school almost 1 hour. *Sigh*

I've been trying to prepare Ava (and myself) for months so this morning would go smoothly, and it has. Ava, being the nurturer she is, decided that she will have lots of friends and will be looking out for the kids who might be missing their mommies and daddies. She'll be terrific and I can't wait to hear all about it.
Happy first day, my sweet Ava. 

Cute! I love the Children's Place clothes! We have the same shirt. :) Good job not crying. The kids love it so much that first year that I thought it was a happy thing! Adorable family you have! P.S. you're on top of it to have it posted already!
Have a great school year Ava,
love, Sammy and Jakie
Love it!!! It was nice we arrived at the same time. I am wondering what stories they will have to tell us when we pick them up.
So sweet! You were very well prepared! We are excited to do it tomorrow!
Wahoo! Yeah for Ava (and Mom and Dad). Such a big day! I love your preparations and traditions, so sweet. I can't wait to hear about her first day.
Good job, Mom and Dad! She is a cutie and I'm sure having a great day! I hope you all have a great first school year.
I love it!!! What a cute idea...twas the day before school starts. Ava looks precious and so grown up!!!!
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