I have a new calling/service I do for my congregation- I am the Provident Living Specialist. This month I assisted several families with long-term food storage. When canning the milk last night it kinda went POOF, all over me! :) Good thing I'm wearing BLACK!


Sydnee & Ava had a Star Wars birthday party that they attended, here are their costumes...

Princess Leia hair for Sydnee...

Totally rocking the outfit I put together...

Ava as Queen Amaidalla, thus the cool hair...and queeny dress.!
(No idea on the spelling by the way...)

Todd brought us all new night gowns from Las Vegas- we all love them. Here is Sydnee sporting hers, isn't she darling? :)

My 96-year old grandfather with my girls and my sweet Dad. :)

Isn't that sweet? PawPaw was quite taken with her...

My mother, Lucy, and I all visiting the oldest relative on her side of the family, my dear sweet great Aunt Betty. We got some great family history stories from her.

My sweet growing baby girl!

This is what happens when you have 3 little girls in 1 house- a gigantic load of pink laundry.
Laughing my head off over the milk! Was Sydnee able to hug you afterwards, cause you were kind of like her worst enemy with all that powdered lactose on you - LOL! Glad you got to visit with your family and share stories.
I hear it's messy to can powdered milk and I guess you are proof. It's great you were able to smile about it. Too funny. The pink laundry made me laugh.
So much fun! Ava totally looks like her momma in the photo with your grandfather. Whites, darks and pinks and more pink...sounds about right.
That laundry picture is awesome!
I LOVE the pink laundry! It looks so familiar!
Great job with the Star Wars hair! Totally impressed. And I can identify with the laundry...I sort by whites, darks, and pinks.
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