Late this afternoon we went to HEB to pick up some groceries for next week. It was crowded not only with shoppers, but with tables of products to sample, stockers re-stocking the shelves, musicians (including a very loud bagpipe player) and employees playing Guitar Hero 3, which, oddly enough, seemed to be okay to the manager that walked right by them; maybe they were assigned to play in order to "advertise" the game?
We finally got a break in the middle of the store where there were fewer people. Unfortunately, we got blocked entering one aisle because of a pillar and a lady. I said, "excuse us" and she moved just enough, without saying a word, for us to get the cart through. Just before we finished passing her, Ava then said, "excuse us" and the lady went berserk! She said, "of course you may be excused! You are adorable children!" I was surprised and pleased with Ava's politeness, especially when she thanked the lady for her compliment, all on her own. That made it a good Saturday shopping experience, except for the fact that apparently I'm not adorable enough to be excused.