Sunday, April 13, 2008

The world we live in...

Today I observed some people boarding a plane at our local airport. These seemingly innocent people having to practically strip down to their skivvies, put their possessions in a little tub, & walk through the detectors. Amazing. No one looked dangerous to me, but it's standard procedure now. I just sat there dumb-founded (I haven't ridden a plane in a while- can you tell?) I saw women have to take off all of their jewelry, take their hair pins out & men undo their belts, pull out their pockets, remove their shoes and hats. Remarkable. What a world. Sad, isn't it?

1 comment:

DNAgallows said...

David and I had to do this several times on our trip back from least four times just in Heathrow. We became pros!

The first time my bag was scanned in Austin: they had to rescan it. I thought for sure it was my breast pump, excuse me. Nope...I couldn't touch my bag. I look so criminal, watch out. They rescanned it and thought it might be...yep my scriptures. They had to scan the bag and scriptures separately. My scriptures had the metallic pages/trim. Luckily we got them out ahead of time and had them scanned separately. One time they had to test my little travel size hand sanitizer and lotion. They are little...I was worried it would be all gone by the time I made it out of all the security points. Humorous now, not when we were racing to the next plane...which we missed because of heightened security!