Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thanks Mom & Dad

So Friday night wasn't *quite* what we expected for our big night on the town, but we sure had fun! We love our friends, the Moores, and were happy to spend some fun time with them even if most of it was spent waiting...let me explain.

The restaurant we wanted to eat at told us it was going to take 15-20 minutes to set us...OK, no big deal, right? Well, we got there right at 5:30 and were right next to the theatre BUT at 6:15pm and we're still not seated. Our show starts at 7pm. So after trying several times to get them to seat us- we left. Darn. I was excited to eat some real food. So where did we end up? Wendy's of course. Todd and Sydnee were thrilled. So- scarf it down, eat it up style- and then we ran to the theatre to see "A Year with Frog and Toad" at the Hippodrome.

It was such a cute little show and the kids LOVE going to the "fancy theatre" so we always try to make the kids' shows. This is our 3rd. My Mom & Dad gave these tickets to us for Christmas. Here are some silly pictures of the girls (and handsome Preston) after the show. They gave out balloons this'd have thought it was cash, the girls were SO excited.

It was a super fun night with some of my favorite people. No- we didn't get to REALLY "eat out" but I didn't have to cook- and we did have fun, so I can't complain one bit. Thanks for giving us a reason to hang out with, Mom & might be the last time for a while since Mandy & I both have #3 on the way!

PS These are their new dresses from the Prices, we saved them for something special- aren't they great colors?

1 comment:

Moore Fun Stories said...

I just love the pictures of the girls "jumping for joy." It was a fun night.