Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Todd's Big Surprise!

So Todd's parents got him a very early birthday present (his birthday is in April). A friend of mine had asked if I knew anyone interested in buying a piano, and I said...uh, yah. Me- but being Christmas time, I had pretty much blown my budget for Christmas since she was e-mailing me mid-December and I'm an early shopper. Anyhow, I had e-mailed Todd's parents to see if they would be interested in getting it for Todd- and they agreed. They too had already bought for Christmas- so its a very early birthday gift! :) Todd was super surprised and very excited. He played "I am a Child of God" for FHE last night on it. His face was priceless, he was very excited.


Janadt.Huggins said...

Hooray! There is nothing like getting a piano! It's so much fun with Devin plays primary songs and hymns with Elliot.

Anonymous said...

So jealous!! If you hear of another one, let me know! I'm so excited for y'all! :)

DNAgallows said...

Awesome! Yes, a little jealous too! What a wonderful gift for the whole family. I am sure you will all enjoy his music. And the girls too ;)

Eric and Cindy Hansen said...

Im glad he liked it! I will miss having it but am glad it's in good hands!