Monday, July 18, 2011

Hanging in there...

Hello my people!
Thanks for being patient with me while I figured out how to do the private blog- not like it was hard, but then I had to type in all of those e-mail addresses! :)

I just thought I would update all of you, and now that we are private I can speak more openly without worrying that someone who is possibly looking at hiring Todd will not read this!  Anyhow, Todd's search continues to take him all over the Internet, and literally all over Texas.  He has formally interviewed with Daisy Sour Cream twice out of Dallas, has informally interviewed with Cameron out of Katy once, Scott & White out of Temple twice, and one other place that turned him down in Waco.  So he has been busy and has certainly kept the tires spinning in our un-air conditioned Jetta.  We are hopeful something will work out.

Another option that we are seriously considering is Todd going into business for himself.  It would allow us to stay where we want, for a flexible schedule, and loads of hard work. :)  Todd is really exploring this option as it appears to be the only way we could stay in Waco and actually live in the house we continue to build.  Isn't life crazy? His business would focus on training individuals and businesses on LEAN practices/Six Sigma/ and a little Excel thrown in there somewhere.  He could explain it better than I could- so maybe he will! One can hope, right? :)

I was visiting with a friend today and she reminded me that God wants what is best for us, its our job to align our will with His so that we can see it.  Its been such a trying time for our family- I hope we can be good students and learn from these lessons quickly. Perhaps that's just an indication that I haven't learned much- who knows.

Despite it all, we are keeping our heads up and trying to find joy in the journey.  We recognize the Lord's hand in our lives and hope we can serve Him in the way that He wants- and where He wants.  Only time will tell what lessons are to be learned from all of this- and until then, we patiently wait.

In happier news, the girls are enjoying their summer- filling their time with crayons, Netflicks, swimming pools, and splash parks.  Ava is planning a "book club".  I have tried to get her to explain it to me, but I'm still not sure of the details.  I have the girls "write" in their journals each day- and each day Ava plans.  So far it looks like a bunch of princesses with books in their hands- oh and Gramma bringing her banana muffins.

Sydnee is excited about starting kindergarten in the Fall- wherever that might be- and continues to show signs that she is ready.  She hasn't put a lot of pressure on herself to learn to read BEFORE kindergarten, and I don't push.  She will catch on quickly, as she does with most things, when she feels like it.  She is fun to talk to, always animated, and full of emotion.

Lucy is still our ray of sunshine in these difficult days.  She is my daily reminder that there is happiness in the world when we look for it.  She has caught on to her Baby Signs and has made up 2 of her own- one where she looks like she's turning the knob (She wants to go outside), and one where she holds her fists in the air and opens and shuts them (her sign that she wants to watch Blue's Clues).  Out of no where, she has discovered the tv...and LOVES to watch tv.  In fact today Todd was watching a British drama (he is not feeling well today- sore throat, fatigue, etc) and she climbed up on the bed and started watching it with him.  Hilarious.

That's all I have for now.
Blessings to you all-


Anonymous said...

I love Lucy's made up baby signs! How clever! And I'll have to check out that british series once we do my "free sample" Netflix after we move. :) We sure love you guys. Don't forget to keep Rexburg on the list of possibilities. ;) XOXOXO

DNAgallows said...

You are making this journey beautifully. I imagine it isn't easy. Your attitude and testimony are a strength to your sweet family and your "followers." We love you!