Monday, July 18, 2011

A Movie Review: Downton Abbey

Todd and I have cut off our satellite tv and have really embraced Netflicks.  We watch movies more than we ever have, and I think its fun.  I thought I would share with you some of our selections in hopes of helping you enjoy or ignore a movie choice. We have watched some great ones, mingled with some TERRIBLE one. :)

Recently, I cam across Masterpiece Theater's Downton Abbey.  Its a British Drama mini-series.  I'm warning you that if you begin watching this- you'll be hooked.  I've never put a lot of thought into what went on in the house of a Lord in the olden English days- so many people in one house, surely there was drama!  And there certainly is in his fun English adventure.  Please be warned there are a few scenes that are...surprising...but all in all, its fun fun fun.  Check it out!  I'll be looking for the second season on PBS in January- join me.


Heather said...

Sounds like my kind of show! I hope I can find it here!

Russ Doncouse said...

We are cutting our satellite system and going with netfix as well!