Friday, January 11, 2008

The Prices Strike Again

For Family Fun Night we decided to pick up a pizza and a movie. The Price's were very kind to let us "rent" from their library. We only intended to get a movie for the girls and another for us for our double feature, but we ended up coming home with 6! In fact, they found a couple of un-opened movies they already have, so they gave them to the girls. I don't think we will ever get even with their extreme generosity.

1 comment:

Leah said...

They are EXTREMELY generous people. I am so glad there are people in the world like them. They make everything so warm and pleasant. Not to mention the fact that all kids adore them..and not just because they give them pretzels! :) I am so fortunate to have so many wonderful friends in Texas, Blackhursts included! ;)