Friday, August 15, 2008

Not so purple meal

We tried, but this was by far the least colorful meal we had. :) Oh well. I was busy, so Todd did the cookin' and I forgot to tell him to put food coloring in the pancakes. This little yogurt parfait would have been perfect, but I didn't let the cool whip thaw. Oops. It tastes better than it looks, trust me. :)The jello was a little too soft still, so no little molds of purple jello either. But hey- grape juice is purple!


Leah said...

You are way more creative than I! Honestly. You came up with way more purple things then I would have.

Janelle said...

I love the color themes - it is so creative!

There is a girl in my ward, well moving out this week, that was in the Colleyville ward growing up. Her name is Beth (Williams) Schelhouse. She said she remembered the Kennedy's :-) Small world, isn't it?

Stamp With Linz said...

Too funny! Yes, I know Bethany (as we called her!)

mistyp said...

Way to look on the bright side, when things don't go as planned. And yes, that grape juice is purple! ;)