My life is an interesting one. No doubt. Yesterday was a momentous day & not in the good way. Here's a break down of events. I thought you'd like some visuals, so enjoy the pictures.

Any ideas what this is? No? Well it's Ava's hair. I gave Ava & Sydnee little trims on Sunday b/c they were getting a little shaggy. Here's Sydnee's cute new doo- please note that this child refuses to wear clothes. Another interesting challenge.

Well Ava thought she would try it on her own. It was quiet time, which means Ava is supposed to be in the playroom. I was reading in the livingroom & I kept hearing a little snip snip sounds, but I had no idea what it was. I called for Ava to come & she wouldn't. This is a definite sign that something aint right. She normally loves to share the silly things she is up to, not today. So I go in the office & find Ava's hair. Then I start to brush it & it is coming out like crazy. Apparently she just thought an overall trim would be best. So she took a shower to get all of the hair washed away. Here's what she looks like now.

Note the bangs. Fortunately since Ava has curly hair, no one will notice...but I hope I've threatened her so badly that she'll be nervous about picking up a pair of scissors in kindergarten.
#2 Know what this is?

This is what happens when 2 little girls pull on their blinds too hard. This is super fun since their blinds were the nice/expensive kind AND their window is facing out front. Excellent.
#3 Notice something?

Maybe the fact that there's only 1 door on the tv when there should be 2? The pin in that door falls out all of the time. Well, apparently it fell out & went into hiding. Attractive, eh? So Todd just took the door off to prevent injuries.
Unfortunately the latter 2 things happened while I was eating at Panera. A friend is moving so it was a little gathering for her. Poor Todd. He was a little frustrated. Imagine that.
All-in-all, I have to laugh about these things. They are just littel girls with a vivid imagination. In fact apparently Prince Diego is visiting today because the girls keep asking him to come with them whenever they leave a room. Funny girls.
And the last thing that happened last night I thought might send Todd through the roof. The power flickered several times while a storm passed through last night and it did something to our air conditioner. At first it wouldn't cool at all, it was 83 degrees in the house. Then it wouldn't cool half of the house, so Todd just turned off the cool & let it run. When I went to bed I tried the cool again & it was working. Whew. And thank goodness!!!
I'm sorry Lindz... is it too early to laugh at those things!?!? Oh man, it's just so great to hear that my house and my kids seem to be "normal" just like yours! I love it!! Thanks for the good laughs!
Sounds like quite the adventures! Good thing she looks cute no matter what her hair cut is like! I don't know how you mangage to deal with these daily things and RS/SU at the same time! You're an amazing woman! ;)
Fun-filled adventures! Good thing we can laugh and learn. I am still learning! It was great to see you tonight. Thanks for sacrificing your little time and stopping by. We enjoyed a little bit of Todd and Lindsey to start the week out right! Hopefully you don't have pink-eye...I promise you didn't get it from us!!!
I am so sorry! Sometimes you just have to find the humour in those crazy situations as a mother don't you? I guess those are some things that I have to look forward to cause I am pretty sure that atleast one child in every family cuts their own hair at some point.
I love your blog!
Oh fun times! Isn't it crazy how much "fun" they can have when we are not watching! It is a really good thing that your girls are so cute it doesn't matter what kind of hair style they have.
Isn't it fun being a Mom! :)
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