Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Ava

Ava's first picture, 1 hour old

3 years old...

It's hard to believe that 3 years ago I was holding a newborn. 3 years seems like so long ago, especially when I look at Ava now. She is so fun, cute & smart. I was sitting down eating lunch with her talking about how its her birthday & she was so silly. She gasped and said, "It can be your birthday, too, Mommy!" Then she proceeded to tell me that fingernails were actually teeth on our fingers...did I mention she was silly?
I went to Wal-Mart today to get stuff for our family get-together to celebrate Ava tomorrow. I stopped by the container isle to price some items for Ava & Sydnee's closet. I totally scored. They had PINK medium containers with lids on sale for $1. I put them all in my already full cart & thought that it was probably misplaced & they were more like $4-6. NOPE! They were on sale- since they were pink, maybe they were Valentines? I don't know, nor do I care, but can I get a Yeehaw? Who can beat that? But I digress...
Tonight Todd & I are going to see Evita with the Prices. When I bought the tickets at Christmastime I didn't realize they were the same day as Ava's birthday, but oh well. She gets to celebrate her birthday with some of her favorite people today & tomorrow...again, "Who can beat that?" So here are a few of my favorite pictures of Ava...just to be all sappy.
I love this little girl. She has a fire in her spirit that is contagious. She has always been a social butterfly, observing the people around her. When she was a baby (and still today) people often comment on what a beauty she is- I've been her beauty inside & out. She is kind, and polite. She is a great sister, who loves her little sister & calls her her best friend. Ava loves giving hugs, and kisses and is great about saying I love you. She's always ready for an adventure & will play pretend for hours. She loves to play dress-up and we often find her asleep in her bed with a princess dress over her pjs. Ava is our teacher, being the first to join our little family. She is my little girl and my blessing, and today I celebrate my love for this blue-eyed beauty who came into my life & changed my world forever.


DNAgallows said...

Happy Birthday! Wow, I remember waiting to hear the arrival of this cutie pie. You have a precious family.

Steph said...

Happy Birthday Ava! What a sweet post. Ava looks still looks so much like she did when she was a newborn! That is neat, you don't see that very often.

mistyp said...

I love the Easter picture! Cute kid you've got! She does look tons like her newborn pics!