Monday, February 18, 2008


Since Valentine's was so bad, Todd redeemed himself by hiding this little table in the bedroom while I was busy with the girls. The cake was yummy- and so I guess he's redeemed himself, but he's still got to plan those dates! Don't let him forget! After our dessert, we had a romantic night of watching tv...and I believe I fell asleep...romantic, aint it? :)

It's not a lack of enthusiasm on my face it's a
"You're taking a picture of me when I look like this" face...
The yummy cake!
Isn't he sweet?
Doesn't that chair look comfortable?


Steph said...

That cake looks yummy! I have to give Todd points for that, very thoughtful. That chair is cracking me up!

Moore Fun Stories said...

Go Todd! Let us know how the date planning is going:).